Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hi friends,

"Speaking With Confidence"
Every one will faced at least once in their life to attend a public gathering.
Here somethings that help you to speak in a Public.
Go On...

Jim was a head counselor at Camp Sunrise. On
Awards Day at the end of the season, he was
expected to stand up and speak to the large group of
campers and their parents. Jim had prepared his talk
and even memorized what he wanted to say. But as
he sat on the stage waiting to be introduced, he
became nervous. He had been dreading this moment
for days.

Finally, Jim’s name was called. He stood up and
walked slowly to the podium. As he moved to center
stage, his legs felt wobbly. His palms were sweaty
and his stomach started doing flip-flops. Jim looked
out at all those faces. Suddenly, he wished he could
“Thank you for coming here today,” he began in a
tense, high-pitched voice. “It’s been a wonderful
opportunity to work with so many great campers this
summer. Now I’d like to tell you a story about one of

All eyes were on him. Everyone seemed to be waiting
for him to begin the story. They waited . . . and
waited . . . and waited. Jim’s mind had suddenly gone
blank. He couldn’t remember what he wanted to say.
“I knew it yesterday,” he thought. “Why can’t I
remember it now? Why?” It seemed like an hour had
passed. But in reality it was only 30 seconds. Panic
seized him. Jim knew everyone was staring at him.
And he just wanted to get out of there. He could
stand it no longer. Jim turned from the audience and
fled the stage.

The ability to deliver an effective talk is one of the
most valuable skills you can possess. If you want to
be a leader in school, public speaking is often essential.
As a class officer, head of the student council, or
president of a club, you are often called on to stand
up and speak to a group. Public speaking is also
important in the workplace. As career counselor
Rozeanne Burt explains, “The people who can stand
up and give a talk stand out and are set apart from
other employees.”

1 comment:

Gems Of Hindupur said...

hi lokesh,

kartheek here, ur super senior... good stuff is there in your blog... keep posting....