Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Waiting For Love

The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do is wait
Waiting for your love, waiting for someone to come back
Waiting for the unknown; the maybe; the maybe not
Controlling the anxiousness that will inevitably be there
Understanding the reasons behind what has happened
Taking into account the pains of the other person too
The frustrations that they must be going through now and then
The perplexity that is driving them to the brink daily

Backing up and saying you're sorry, and that you understand
Letting them know that if they need you, you'll be always there
And if they need you to remain unseen, you will unseen forever
Wanting to know, yet understanding that you can’t be
Wanting to hold, with nothing to hold on to, yet wanting
Needing to see them, steal a look at times, just a glimpse
Without the appearance of being needy and being suffering
Although needy is sometimes what you feel like of yourselves

Neediness has never been a weakness, another test of fate
Knowing which words can and can’t be said
Caring so much as to not say the words that mean the most
Understanding enough that those words need not be said
Patience is not your best suit, although it needs to be there
Time of course, is the worst enemy you’ve ever faced
Testing and agitating you to the point of destruction
Small things, simple words could ruin everything
Trying not to change them through this process
Trying not to change you during this time and test of fate

Knowing that you fell in love with that person as they were
Knowing that they loved you for who you were
Understanding that time has changed factors every now and then
Continuing to smile although not wanting to at times
Keeping the appearance of wisdom while going insane
Controlling all of the emotions that rain down upon you
Knowing that those same emotions are pelting them also
Painful and agony, torture and hurt; yet you unmoved
The questions goes unanswered, the heartache grows again
But the rewards, if to be ever, will be beyond compare

Should I attempt to salvage the ship, before jumping out?
But knowing that you have a raft should be of comfort
Wondering how long the raft can stand the tides, a question?
Believing that the raft will stay forever, a mistake I’ll make
Possibly save another life, if ever you could, do it for cause
Waiting, wondering, questioning, hoping and praying
Waiting in the water, weathering the storm and rain
You must wait, patiently, without limits, beyond reasons
You must wait, you must wait, You have the time; a lifetime
Yes, I must wait, I have time and after all, time is all I have
I hold her close, and then I wake, I awake in tears and pain

It’s been months, since I’ve seen her face, it’s been months
Everyday that passes by, her memory wants to fade and die
I will never allow the time to steal the love we had
I can always see her beauty in the clear blue sky
The things that she left remind me, of the day my life was doomed
Her arms were my blanket; I feel her warmth in there
Her eyes were my mirror, I look myself there
And I pray to God everyday, please bring her back to me
Yes, I must wait, I have time and after all, time is all I have
The hardest thing is, waiting for someone to come back.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A good movie to watch.

"Tom Hanks" really good in it....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful...Really beautiful.

I am here to tell you not only about the movie which i have seen today but also real beauty of life which I feel and had real pain of love.

-->Love is Life.
-->Life is Beautiful.
-->So, Love is Beautiful too...

This is the movie which make me to feel real pain of love and it known to be comes by the sacrifice.
I happened to know Love is Sacrifice...

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hi friends,

"Speaking With Confidence"
Every one will faced at least once in their life to attend a public gathering.
Here somethings that help you to speak in a Public.
Go On...

Jim was a head counselor at Camp Sunrise. On
Awards Day at the end of the season, he was
expected to stand up and speak to the large group of
campers and their parents. Jim had prepared his talk
and even memorized what he wanted to say. But as
he sat on the stage waiting to be introduced, he
became nervous. He had been dreading this moment
for days.

Finally, Jim’s name was called. He stood up and
walked slowly to the podium. As he moved to center
stage, his legs felt wobbly. His palms were sweaty
and his stomach started doing flip-flops. Jim looked
out at all those faces. Suddenly, he wished he could
“Thank you for coming here today,” he began in a
tense, high-pitched voice. “It’s been a wonderful
opportunity to work with so many great campers this
summer. Now I’d like to tell you a story about one of

All eyes were on him. Everyone seemed to be waiting
for him to begin the story. They waited . . . and
waited . . . and waited. Jim’s mind had suddenly gone
blank. He couldn’t remember what he wanted to say.
“I knew it yesterday,” he thought. “Why can’t I
remember it now? Why?” It seemed like an hour had
passed. But in reality it was only 30 seconds. Panic
seized him. Jim knew everyone was staring at him.
And he just wanted to get out of there. He could
stand it no longer. Jim turned from the audience and
fled the stage.

The ability to deliver an effective talk is one of the
most valuable skills you can possess. If you want to
be a leader in school, public speaking is often essential.
As a class officer, head of the student council, or
president of a club, you are often called on to stand
up and speak to a group. Public speaking is also
important in the workplace. As career counselor
Rozeanne Burt explains, “The people who can stand
up and give a talk stand out and are set apart from
other employees.”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Communication Skills

Hi Friends,

Here Something Useful to Improve Our Communication Skills.
Go On...

Communication is a vital part of our daily routines.
We sit in school and listen to teachers. We
read books and magazines. We talk to friends, watch
television, and communicate over the Internet.
The workplace is no different. Experts tell us that
70–80 percent of our working time is spent in some
kind of communication. We’re reading and writing
memos, listening to our coworkers, or having one-toone
conversations with our supervisors.
Communication involves at least two people: the
sender and the receiver. In this book, we’ll look at
four types of communication between senders and
receivers: writing, speaking, listening, and conducting
meetings. Each one is important to your success
in the workplace.
For example, a poorly written cover letter can prevent
you from being hired for a job. On the other
hand, the ability to write effectively and make clear
presentations can make the difference between your
being promoted or being left behind. As Ken Matejka
and Diane Ramos explain in their book Hook ‘Em:
Speaking and Writing to Catch and Keep a Business
Audience, “You need effective, persuasive communication
skills for career advancement.”

communication skill that’s often overlooked is
listening. Yet recent surveys tell us that we spend 45
percent of our time listening. Do we listen carefully
to what people are telling us? According to one study,
we hear only one quarter of what’s being said. The
rest of the time we’re daydreaming or just tuned out

writing 9%
reading 16%
talking 30%
listening 45%

One sales manager in a printing company tells the
story of needing a job rushed through in 24 hours so
his best customer could have it on time. He gave
careful instructions about the project to the production
supervisor. But before he could finish, the supervisor
had already stopped listening. He assumed that
the customer wanted the job three days later, which
was the usual deadline for most of these projects.
When the sales manager went to pick up the job the
next day, it wasn’t ready. As a result, he almost lost
the customer. Unfortunately, stories like these are
common in many organizations.
Listening, writing, and speaking are all skills we
use in meetings. Today, meetings are a common
method for making decisions. More and more work
is done by teams of people who come from different
areas of a company. They accomplish many of their
tasks in team meetings. In these situations, we must
be able to speak and write clearly so others can
understand us and listen carefully to what they say.
Sadly, we waste many hours in meetings because of
poor communication. A study by one university estimated
that $37 billion is lost annually through
unproductive meetings.

A recent survey by Beta Research Corp., on
behalf of the New York Times, asked several
hundred hiring managers to name the most
important behaviors that job seekers should
demonstrate during an interview. “Effective
communication skills” and “confidence in their
abilities” topped the managers’ lists.

Whether you’re writing, listening, speaking, or
attending meetings, communication skills are critical
to your success in the workplace. In this book, we’ll
look at some of the skills that will enable your communications
to be more successful. These include:
Understanding the purpose of a
Analyzing the audience
Communicating with words as well as with
body language
Giving each communication greater impact


Good writing will make you stand out. It will help
you excel at school, on the job, and in extracurricular
activities. How do you improve your writing?
Writing with a Purpose 41


1. I realize that all good writing must have a clear purpose.
2. I recognize that less is more—too many words can bore
my reader.
3. I understand that the most important information
belongs at the beginning of my document.
4. I avoid all mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and
5. I think about what my readers want before beginning to
6. I make an impact on my readers by making my writing
7. I don’t use complex words when I can use simple ones.
8. I leave out all information that does not relate to my
main purpose.
9. I use descriptive words to bring my writing to life.
10. I never assume that my readers know more than
they do.


Define the purpose of your writing in a few
summary sentences.
Find out who your readers are, what they
need to know, what their attitudes are, and
why they should care.
Implement the 4 Cs into your writing:
Write a short and clear cover letter that
highlights your experience and skills and
tells the employer why you are a good
candidate for the job.

Create a detailed, professional-looking
resume in order to get a job interview.

Emails should be composed using the same
rules that other types of writing follow.

Present your information in short chunks;
large chunks of text do not appeal to


Speaking with Confidence ...Coming Soon

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


What are the choices facing you at this moment? Either you go ahead and read this write up or you choose to skip it.

At every moment of our lives we are faced with two choices. We always choose one and move ahead. But there are times when we wonder, ‘what if I had chosen the other option?’ Life doesn’t roll back for us to experience the other path, but there is always this moment, the most important moment of our lives. This moment has the inherent power to be the turning point of our lives, if only we acknowledge and make use of this power. To change the momentum of our lives, we can choose to choose differently in any given moment.

Flora Whitmore, a Life skills Coach, says, ‘The doors we close and open each day, decide the lives we live.’ Yes, our choices empower us, or weaken us. Once we realize how our life is a sum of all the choices we have made in the past, we are jolted out of our complacence. The realization dawns on us that whatever we are, whatever situations we face, whatever we have achieved or not achieved, has been of our own choosing. We are responsible for our lives. We cannot blame other people, circumstances, luck or destiny for our problems.

With this realization we suddenly look at our lives with new eyes. If we could choose our current situations, does it mean that we are free to choose ANY other way of living? If we had the power to design our lives the way we wanted to, how cool would that be? The TRUTH is that this is the TRUTH. You are the architect of your own life, so take this wonderful opportunity to re-design and re-build your life RIGHT NOW. NOW is the RIGHT time. Do not hesitate. Do not procrastinate. Whichever form of life you lead now, you can start from just that point and from there on, at every step, witness the miracle of metamorphosis. Once you understand this profound secret, your life will be a song (and a dance!). The beauty of life will unfold itself in your life.

So what are you waiting for? Ask yourself, if time and money were no constraints, or in other words if you had all the money, all the time and no responsibilities, what is it that you would love doing? Which career would you love to pursue? Give it a thought. Now pick up a paper and a pen, and write this thought down. This is your life’s purpose statement. This is what you have come here to do. Doing this will bring you true fulfillment, in terms of happiness as well as wealth.

Have you done this exercise? How does it feel? Do you feel that rush of adrenaline, or a wave of happiness surging through you? Do you feel an odd mixture of enthusiasm and peaceful calm? If yes, you are on the right track. If not, think again. Perhaps you are not being honest with yourself. Perhaps you need some more time to think it through. After all you had never thought about life in this way before. Take your time but please do it. It is the most important exercise that you have ever undertaken in your life so far. It deserves your time, and your attention.

Now start living your life, keeping your life’s purpose in mind. You cannot change your circumstances overnight; but you can live your present life fully and cheerfully, with the confidence that your REAL life is unfolding in unknown, but certain ways. Have no doubts about that.

For most of our lives we live on autopilot. We make choices but we are not conscious of them. Sometimes others make choices for us and we accept them passively. Sometimes we protest but accept them nevertheless. No wonder our lives are in such a mess. The only way out of this morass is to choose wisely. There is a surefire test of knowing the right choice in any moment. When you make a choice, pay close attention to the sensations in your body. If you feel a sense of discomfort, it is not the right choice for you, but on the other hand if you feel a sense of well being, go ahead with your choice, with all gusto. It will feel just right –because it is so.

Remember that we are one of a kind. We are unique beings. There is no one like us. Each one of us possesses a unique talent and a unique way of expressing that talent. Once we understand and accept this TRUTH, we will be guided to make the right choices. Choices that will lead us to the right path: the path to realize our life’s purpose, the path to prosperity, the path to abundance and the path to fulfillment.

A quote by Denis Waitley, an American motivational speaker, sums it up very well.

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”

Which choice will you make? Remember your choice has the potential to change your whole perspective and turn your life around!

If you need any clarifications, write to me. I am a firm believer that the buck always stops at us, and the choices that we make as we go along the way of life. Once you choose to take control of your life and be the master of your destiny, the universe would conspire to bring the choicest of its gifts to you and you will be humbled by the force of your own power. So go ahead! Unleash your power! I know that you want to do this. Otherwise you wouldn’t have read this write up.

‘And in the end it is not the years in your life that count, it is the life in your years.’
– Abraham Lincoln

Co-create your life and expect success.

Wishing all The Success...
