Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Waiting For Love

The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do is wait
Waiting for your love, waiting for someone to come back
Waiting for the unknown; the maybe; the maybe not
Controlling the anxiousness that will inevitably be there
Understanding the reasons behind what has happened
Taking into account the pains of the other person too
The frustrations that they must be going through now and then
The perplexity that is driving them to the brink daily

Backing up and saying you're sorry, and that you understand
Letting them know that if they need you, you'll be always there
And if they need you to remain unseen, you will unseen forever
Wanting to know, yet understanding that you can’t be
Wanting to hold, with nothing to hold on to, yet wanting
Needing to see them, steal a look at times, just a glimpse
Without the appearance of being needy and being suffering
Although needy is sometimes what you feel like of yourselves

Neediness has never been a weakness, another test of fate
Knowing which words can and can’t be said
Caring so much as to not say the words that mean the most
Understanding enough that those words need not be said
Patience is not your best suit, although it needs to be there
Time of course, is the worst enemy you’ve ever faced
Testing and agitating you to the point of destruction
Small things, simple words could ruin everything
Trying not to change them through this process
Trying not to change you during this time and test of fate

Knowing that you fell in love with that person as they were
Knowing that they loved you for who you were
Understanding that time has changed factors every now and then
Continuing to smile although not wanting to at times
Keeping the appearance of wisdom while going insane
Controlling all of the emotions that rain down upon you
Knowing that those same emotions are pelting them also
Painful and agony, torture and hurt; yet you unmoved
The questions goes unanswered, the heartache grows again
But the rewards, if to be ever, will be beyond compare

Should I attempt to salvage the ship, before jumping out?
But knowing that you have a raft should be of comfort
Wondering how long the raft can stand the tides, a question?
Believing that the raft will stay forever, a mistake I’ll make
Possibly save another life, if ever you could, do it for cause
Waiting, wondering, questioning, hoping and praying
Waiting in the water, weathering the storm and rain
You must wait, patiently, without limits, beyond reasons
You must wait, you must wait, You have the time; a lifetime
Yes, I must wait, I have time and after all, time is all I have
I hold her close, and then I wake, I awake in tears and pain

It’s been months, since I’ve seen her face, it’s been months
Everyday that passes by, her memory wants to fade and die
I will never allow the time to steal the love we had
I can always see her beauty in the clear blue sky
The things that she left remind me, of the day my life was doomed
Her arms were my blanket; I feel her warmth in there
Her eyes were my mirror, I look myself there
And I pray to God everyday, please bring her back to me
Yes, I must wait, I have time and after all, time is all I have
The hardest thing is, waiting for someone to come back.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A good movie to watch.

"Tom Hanks" really good in it....